2005 English Conversation for Freshmen

Welcome to visit the E-Conversation course! This course is designed to help you become an effective communicator in English. The curriculum will provide you the target language in functional situations and to improve your competence and performance in using English.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Momo http://momoomom.blogspot.com/
Ken http://hellokenman.blogspot.com/
Daniel http://gogobreaking.blogspot.com/

Friday, May 19, 2006

Classroom Arrangement on 5/23

The Classroom will be at SF 445 (聖言樓四樓) on 5/23. Please be there at 1:40pm and present your personal website to us. I am looking forward to meeting you there!
Ref: http://www.ntcc.fju.edu.tw/BZC/doc/Blog.mht

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


主旨︰「輔大英語自學報」(http://ce.etweb.fju.edu.tw/sln/ )出刊了!歡迎各位訂閱﹐並進一步使用「線上英語自學中心網站」(http://ce.etweb.fju.edu.tw/self_learning.html

1.功能簡介︰自學報──不分寒暑﹐定期寄送實用及有趣的日用英文到email 信箱。
1) 學習英語沒有訣竅﹐必須持之以恆﹐學之有方。
2) 自學中心整理教材﹐並提供互動性的教材和小老師服務﹐希望讓學員能夠學之有方。
3) 五月更進一步推出「自學報」﹐希望能「規律性」地經由電子郵件提供學員實用有趣的英文教材。

3.訂閱自學報﹐以利學習。自學方案及獎勵方式︰ http://ce.etweb.fju.edu.tw/self_learning_show_94.htm

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

MY Presentation

Please present here!


Test your readiness to present Resource: Maynard Leigh Associates
Communication Skills - making oral presentations Resource: University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Making Effective Oral Presentations Resource: by Edward G. Wertheim
Oral Presentation Advice Resource: by Mark Hill

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Advertisements and Commercials


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Compliments & Appreciation

Please upload your dialogue here.