2005 English Conversation for Freshmen

Welcome to visit the E-Conversation course! This course is designed to help you become an effective communicator in English. The curriculum will provide you the target language in functional situations and to improve your competence and performance in using English.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

About the final Project and your feedback

Dear All,

From this week, we'll meet you on-line!

  1. As we had argeed last week, each group should post its final project on-line by Wednesday (1/18).
  2. Then, each classmate should ask at least two questions for any topic by the follwoing week (1/25).
  3. By the very date (1/25), all the members in the group should anwer back those questions asked by the classmates!
I am looking forward to reading your projects and feedbacks on-line!
May you ahve a happy winter vacation!

Best wishes,
Terri Yueh


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